Design Studio

Det Dolda

Det Dolda is an artistic research collective consisting of Petra Lilja, Ola Ståhl, and Anthony Wagner. Det Dolda is challenging existing notions of artistic research through transdisciplinary collaborations between the arts, humanities and sciences, focused around masks as complex artefacts that interweave discursive and socio-material aspects. Masks relate to a wide range of disciplines and fields of practice. They carry historical, mythological and ritualistic significance and remain significant to people in varying functions, from protection to ritual, even today. Det Dolda loosely considers anything a mask that can be worn on the head while partially or fully concealing the face. The complexity of masks, their significance and uses call for intersectional exploration and are significant for artistic research due to the fact that the artistic aspects of masks are interconnected with theoretical and scientific angles. Through a series of projects related to the topic, Det Dolda aim to collaborate with scientists as well as craftspeople in order to explore the socio-material complexity of masks in a range of discourses, such as the effects of patriarchy in terms of sustainability, nature, and the Other bodies of hegemony. Det Dolda has made public appearances at Mundekulla (2018), The Swedish Research Council’s conference on artistic research (2018) and NordCode design conference (2018).